Synergy does not participate in or file claims to insurance plans. Our integrative Medicine Practice is founded on the principles of wellness and preventive medicine. The vast majority of insurance plans primarily treat illness and do not cover preventive services. Our services are not covered by the Medicare program; clients utilizing Medicare will be asked to sign a waiver agreeing not to seek reimbursement from the program.
Laboratory evaluations will be ordered and diagnostic codes given as the basis for ordering. Some insurance plans may cover these. No guarantees or claims are made as to whether or not the patient will be reimbursed for the lab work.
Medical records are considered the property of both the patient and the facility so we will be happy to provide you with a copy of your records at a nominal fee. Synergy will not answer questions from insurance companies or provide information to them. It is our philosophy that in a wellness based practice, the health care decisions should be between the patient and the physician without the interference of a third party insurance provider.
Compounded hormones are generally not covered by insurance.
We can provide clients with health savings or flexible benefit plans receipts from which you may pursue reimbursement by this manner, however covered services may vary by plan. You will need to check with your plan as to whether or not these services will be reimbursed.
Little in life is as precious as your health and future. We consider our services an invaluable investment in keeping mind and body sound and free of disease.